The Ice Chips and the magical rink / ; By MacGregor, Roy,

Publisher:Toronto : HarperCollins Publishers,
Record No.:384267
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F MAC Montague Consolidated School 2024-04-23 2024-04-02 MTCS31745
02. English Fiction F MAC Glen Stewart Elementary School 2024-02-23 GLEN37313
02. English Fiction F MAC Westwood Primary School 2020-02-25 2020-02-04 WPSX27469
02. English Fiction F MAC Donagh Regional School 2022-12-07 DONA14583
02. English Fiction F MAC Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX26134
02. English Fiction F MAC Stratford Elementary 2024-10-31 STRA36644
02. English Fiction F MAC Southern Kings Consolidated School 2018-05-14 SKCS11221
02. English Fiction F MAC Athena Consolidated School 2023-09-06 ACSX26980
02. English Fiction F MAC Athena Consolidated School 2021-06-28 ACSX26978
02. English Fiction F MAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2023-10-24 MSCS10525
02. English Fiction F MAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2022-05-10 MSCS10526
02. English Fiction F MAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2023-12-06 MSCS10527
02. English Fiction F MAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2019-10-28 MSCS10851
02. English Fiction F MCG Westwood Primary School 2023-10-16 WPSX26200
02. English Fiction F MAC Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2023-02-02 MSCS10713
02. English Fiction F TWEEN MAC Gulf Shore Consolidated School 2024-04-11 GULF17926