Jurassic peck / ; By Marko, Cyndi,

Format:An accident in Professor Quack's lab sends Gordon Blue (otherwise known as Kung Pow Chicken) and his companions, Egg Drop and Beak Girl, back to dinosaur times, where they meet Dr. Strangebok, an evil chicken who wants to bring dinosaurs to Fowladelphia and take over the city--and the three superheroes, with help from a friendly dinosaur named Sweet Tooth, must find a way to stop her before she turns the city into a buffet lunch for her dinos.
LCCN: 2019041180
Physical Details: pages cm.
Record No.:409034
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F MAR Glen Stewart Elementary School 2024-01-30 GLEN35131
02. English Fiction F MAR Glen Stewart Elementary School 2024-01-30 GLEN35130
02. English Fiction F MAR Stratford Elementary 2022-06-06 STRA32653
02. English Fiction F MAR West Royalty Elementary School 2024-10-17 WRSX28002
02. English Fiction F MAR Montague Consolidated School 2023-07-01 MTCS28832
02. English Fiction F MAR Athena Consolidated School 2023-04-19 ACSX27765