1. 03. English Easy Reading Fluffy's Thanksgiving / by McMullan, Kate. Publication: New York : Scholastic, 1997 . 1 v. (unpaged) : , "Cartwheel books." 23 cm. Date:1997 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
2. 03. English Easy Reading Fluffy's spring vacation / by McMullan, Kate. Publication: New York : Scholastic Inc. 1998 . 1 v. (unpaged) : , "Cartwheel books." 24 cm. Date:1998 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
3. 07. French Easy Reading Caramel et les dinosaures / by McMullan, Kate. Publication: Markham, Ont. : Éditions Scholastic, 2000 . 40 p. : , Traduction de: Fluffy and the dinosaurs. 23 cm. Date:2000 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
4. 06. French Fiction Caramel apprend à nager / by McMullan, Kate Publication: Markham : Scholastic, 2003 . 40 p. : , Puclic cible: 1re et 2e années, 6 à 8 ans. 23 cm. Date:2003 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
5. 07. French Easy Reading Le jour de chance de Caramel / by McMullan, Kate, Publication: Markham, Ont. : Éditions Scholastic, 2004 , Traduction de: Fluffy's lucky day. Date:2004 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions: