1. 12. Miscellaneous Lucy Maud Montgomery : creator of Anne of Green Gables / by Howden, Sarah, Publication: . 32 pages : 23 cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
2. 12. Miscellaneous Roberta Bondar : space explorer / by Howden, Sarah, Publication: . 30 pages : 23 cm Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
3. 12. Miscellaneous Wild pond hockey / by Domm, Jeffrey C., Publication: . 1 volume (unpaged) : 20 cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
4. 12. Miscellaneous P is for pterodactyl : the worst alphabet book ever ; all the letters that misbehave and make words nearly impossible to pronounce / by Haldar, Raj, Publication: . 1 volume (unpaged) : 22 x 29 cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions: